Full episode 241: 20 Acts in 60 Minutes Act Twenty The Greatest Moment I Ever Saw On a Stage Transcript Teenage girls from a detention center perform a song for their parents. Staff RecommendationsView all 355 May 9, 2008 The Giant Pool of Money The surprisingly entertaining story of how the U.S. got itself into a housing crisis. 352 Mar. 14, 2008 The Ghost of Bobby Dunbar In 1912, a four-year-old boy went missing in Louisiana. Eight months later, he was found. But two grief-stricken mothers both claimed the same boy as their own.
355 May 9, 2008 The Giant Pool of Money The surprisingly entertaining story of how the U.S. got itself into a housing crisis.
352 Mar. 14, 2008 The Ghost of Bobby Dunbar In 1912, a four-year-old boy went missing in Louisiana. Eight months later, he was found. But two grief-stricken mothers both claimed the same boy as their own.