June 6, 2017

Update on Mohamed “Tiiceey” Aden from "I Am Not A Pirate"

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Here’s an update on a story we reported in our "I Am Not A Pirate" show about Mohamed “Tiiceey” Aden, a Somali-American man who’s in prison in Belgium, accused of piracy and criminal organization.

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On Friday, a Belgian appeals court delivered a verdict in his case: They found him guilty of criminal organization, and they increased his original sentence from five years to ten—the maximum.

There’s a chance he could be out much sooner than that though. The Belgian system lets prisoners ask for release after they’ve served a third of their sentence, and Tiiceey has already been locked up for three-and-a-half years.

Tiiceey’s son Abdi said his family is disappointed with the verdict—they were hoping he’d be acquitted and on his way home by now—but they’re used to being patient. They expect he'll be home by the end of the year.