Three stories that consider the question: Does anyone's family ever change?
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So A Jew, A Christian, And A Recording Crew Walk Into This Bar
Julia Pimsleur travels to Alaska to spend some time with her brother, hoping he might change a little—just as he hopes that she'll change a little. She made a documentary film about her trip, from which the sound in this story comes, called Brother Born Again. (30 minutes)
Matching Outfits Not Included
What can happen if a sibling relationship doesn't ever change. Hillary Frank brings us the story of two sisters, now in their seventies, who have preserved the same relationship they had as girls...for better or worse. (9 minutes)
The Artist Formerly Known As Dr. Sarkin
What happens when you want your dad to change—and he wants to change, too—but there's literally nothing that can be done to change him. Jon Sarkin was a chiropractor with workaholic tendencies. Then in 1988, something changed in his brain, something his family is still getting used to. (14 minutes)