Stories of people who are lost, histories that are lost, and things that are lost. This show was recorded onstage in front of audiences on a five-city tour in May 2003. The cities: Boston, Washington DC, Portland Oregon, Denver and Chicago. Featuring house band OK Go.
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Chris Ware
Thanks to the public radio stations who presented the show in those cities: WBUR in Boston, WAMU in DC, Oregon Public Broadcasting/OPB in Portland, Colorado Public Radio in Denver, and Chicago Public Radio in our hometown.
Losing It
If you're going to do a show about people who are lost, you pretty much have to include a story about adolescents. Jonathan Goldstein tells a story from his teenage years. He was trying to lose something -- namely his virginity -- which turned out to be harder than he expected. Jonathan is the host of the podcast “Heavyweight.” (12 minutes)
Teacher Hit Me With A Ruler
Sarah Vowell tells the lost story behind a patriotic song, "The Battle Hymn of the Republic." An early version of the song celebrated an American terrorist. She's accompanied by Jon Langford and the band. Sarah is the author of "Lafayette in the Somewhat United States" and other books. (16 minutes)
I Found Your Letter
Davy Rothbart reads from letters, notes, scraps of paper and school papers, which have been lost by their original owners. He collects and publishes things like this in his magazine, Found Magazine. (13 minutes)