Is it stubbornness? Tenacity? Survival of the fittest? This week, stories about people who feel compelled to keep going, especially when everyone else has given up.
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Act One
Act One
Ira Glass speaks with JoAnn Chiakulas, the only Juror on the trial of former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich who believed he was innocent of trying to sell Barack Obama's senate seat. (11 minutes)
Act Two
Last Man Stand-Up
Producer Sarah Koenig tells the story of Duke Fightmaster, who refused to give up his simple dream: to replace Conan O'Brien. (24 1/2 minutes)
Act Three
My Own Private U.F.O.
A story about God and extraterrestrials, told by Elna Baker. Elna is the author of a memoir called The New York Regional Mormon Singles Halloween Dance.