Full episode 631: So a Monkey and a Horse Walk Into a Bar Prologue Transcript Ira tells a favorite joke—about a popcorn-eating horse and a hat-wearing cow. (2 minutes) Staff RecommendationsView all 513 Dec. 13, 2013 129 Cars One car dealership tries to make its monthly quota: 129 cars. It is way more chaotic than we expected. 241 July 11, 2003 20 Acts in 60 Minutes All kinds of little stories that we ordinarily can't use on the radio show because they are just too short.
513 Dec. 13, 2013 129 Cars One car dealership tries to make its monthly quota: 129 cars. It is way more chaotic than we expected.
241 July 11, 2003 20 Acts in 60 Minutes All kinds of little stories that we ordinarily can't use on the radio show because they are just too short.