November 9, 2018

But That's What Happened

Stories of women in unsettling situations. When they try to explain what’s wrong, they’re told that they don’t understand—that there’s nothing unsettling about it.


Ira Glass talks with producer Lilly Sullivan about a story she heard growing up about men messing with a girl’s mind. Lilly can relate. (9 minutes)

Act One

The Old Man on My Shoulder

From the ages of 12 to 27, our producer Elna Baker was supposed to confess to male clergy anytime she did anything sexual. It was so routine for her that she barely thought to talk about it. Until recently, when she started calling other women who did the same thing. (35 minutes)

Act Two

While You Were Out

A doctor tries to investigate something that horrifies her, but people tell her it’s not worth thinking about. It’s the way it’s done. And no one will ever find out anyway. Producer Lilly Sullivan tells the story. (13 minutes)