At a time when going to the movies is mostly out of the question, we bring the movies to you.
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AJ Dungo
Putting the Ease in Disease
To cope with this pandemic, producer Sean Cole finds himself turning to a movie about a pandemic, What's So Bad About Feeling Good? But the virus in this movie isn’t like any you’ve ever heard of. (20 minutes)
Late Registration
Political documentaries aren’t for everyone. Especially when they’re over five hours long. But producer Ben Calhoun discovers one he can’t stop watching. (16 minutes)
Many a Thing She Ought to Understand
Our producer Diane Wu spent most of her life thinking she doesn’t have a unique and personal take on The Sound of Music. She is wrong. (15 minutes)
The Kid Namastays in the Picture
Jaime Amor does yoga storytelling for kids at Cosmic Kids Yoga and on YouTube. We ask her to try taking on a film for grownups. (7 minutes)