An ode to life's daily practices, and what you learn from doing a thing every single day.
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Jeff Hinchee
Note: The internet version of this episode contains un-beeped curse words. BEEPED VERSION.
How Do You Get To Carnegie Hall?
Producer Ben Calhoun investigates a daily mystery—a daily musical mystery. (15 minutes)
So Nice to Hear Your Voice
Dee Brown’s routine is thrown totally out of whack when Covid hits. Her granddaughter, Cecilia Brown, helps her come up with a new one, and along the way documents a thing she never expected to. (18 minutes)

Courtesy Cecilia Brown
It Had to Be YouTube
For the last five years or so, Johnny Dark has kept up a very specific, unusual, and labor intensive daily practice. Kelefa Sanneh talks to him about it. (14 minutes)

Here’s What Else You Need To Know Today
Host Ira Glass with the last piece in today’s show, inspired by the New York Times podcast, The Daily. (3 minutes)