Legendary radio broadcaster Paul Harvey had a popular show called “The Rest of the Story.” Today on our show, we do just that. We hear from people who, whether they want to or not, find themselves face-to-face with the rest of their stories.
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Peter Ryan
Note: The internet version of this episode contains un-beeped curse words. BEEPED VERSION.
Burning Down The Couch
Psychiatry used to be all talk. Then came a patient named Ray Osheroff. Producer Chris Benderev tells us what became of the man who changed therapy. (26 minutes)
Rachel Aviv’s latest book is Strangers to Ourselves: Unsettled Minds and the Stories That Make Us. Eric Caplan is looking for a publisher for his book Do No Harm: Osheroff v. Chestnut Lodge and the Future of Psychiatry.
Oh Mother Where Art Thou?
Contributor Samuel James thought he knew what happened to his mother. But he was wrong. Then he was wrong again. (9 minutes)
Samuel James tells stories and plays guitar at his website.
Righteous Gemstone
A new resident in Berlin is greeted like a minor celebrity wherever she goes. The perks are nice, but does she really want to know why? Producer Bim Adewunmi has the rest of the story. (14 minutes)
Jean Hannah Edelstein tells this story and others in her memoir, This Really Isn't About You.