Full episode 809: The Call Act Four Kimber Transcript We learn what happened to Kimber after she called the line. (10 minutes) Song:“Talk to Me” by Cavetown Staff RecommendationsView all 355 May 9, 2008 The Giant Pool of Money The surprisingly entertaining story of how the U.S. got itself into a housing crisis. 186 June 8, 2001 Prom While the seniors danced at Prom Night 2001 in Hoisington, Kansas—a town of about 3,000—a tornado hit the town.
355 May 9, 2008 The Giant Pool of Money The surprisingly entertaining story of how the U.S. got itself into a housing crisis.
186 June 8, 2001 Prom While the seniors danced at Prom Night 2001 in Hoisington, Kansas—a town of about 3,000—a tornado hit the town.