One call to a very unusual hotline and everything that followed.
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Jessie, operator for the Never Use Alone hotline.
Aymann Ismail / Slate
Note: The internet version of this episode contains un-beeped curse words. BEEPED VERSION.
The Never Use Alone hotline was set up so that drug users can call if they are say, using heroin by themselves. Someone will stay on the line with them in case they overdose. We hear the recording of one call, from a woman named Kimber. (13 minutes)
Mary Harris is the host and managing editor of Slate's daily news podcast, What Next. They were our collaborators on this story, you can read their print version and see more photos by Aymann Ismail.
An EMT learns he was connected to the call, in more ways than he realized. (16 minutes)
Jessie, who took the call, explains how she discovered the hotline. She keeps in touch with Kimber. Until one day, Kimber disappears. (16 minutes)
We learn what happened to Kimber after she called the line. (10 minutes)