June 23, 2000


Stories of people who did not want to move but circumstance forced their hands, and so they tried to move without really moving.


Ben Schrank describes what it's like to work as a professional mover. He says that people often go sort of nuts when they see all their worldly possessions—all the stuff that defines them as people—packed into a van. It's a humbling experience for people, and just one of the reasons people hate to move. The other reasons: It's hard starting in a new place; it's dreadful leaving an old place; and the process of moving itself is a hardship. So today...we have stories of people who were forced to move—but who did not want to and tried to thwart it. (5 minutes)
Act Three

To A De-luxe Apartment In The Sky

Producer Blue Chevigny used to have a job that was all about Moving Day—and people who didn't want to move. She worked for an agency in New York called Project Reachout, part of Goddard Riverside Community Center, that moved homeless, mentally ill people into their own homes. She tells the story of one of her favorite clients, George, and how it took him eight years to get off the streets and into his own place. Blue records his moving day. (12 minutes)